
Got a great idea for the future of LMMS? Post it here.
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Hello Again.
(Hoping it doesn't seem rude to crash into the forums all of the sudden and throw critique at the Programmers, but i'm just giving out ideas for improvement before i forget them)

This might just be something minor, but often the smallest of details can make a difference.
So i like to keep a humanesque feeling in my songs, therefore i record something with my MIDI Keyboard using the 1/192th setting in the B&B Editor. Sometimes i don't feel like being human anymore though, and decide that i want the time to be accurate. It would be nice to have a button with which you can quantize selected notes to a time signature like 1/8ths, and the notes would snap right to the bars, fixing all imprecisions from playing.. well.. as a human.
Nothing world changing, but nonetheless i found myself wishing for a feature like that from time to time.
Aster wrote:Hello Again.
Welcome to the forum Aster! First, For you, all important links:
And a few rules for posting and using the right sub-forum :)

Yes i understand your idea, and there are already suggestions for similar functionalities, addressing swing, whiltering, and humanizing. Opposite action would be considered too.
Aster wrote: i record something with my MIDI Keyboard using the 1/192th setting in the B&B Editor
MIDI recording is stylistic. I like having the notes to snapped in a robotic fashion when recording because it makes moving them around easier. THEN I could change the notes to 1/192 or 1/64 if I wanted to humanize them.
God Bless and good day.
Quantization of existing notes is a feature of the upcoming 1.2 release.
Oh, great to hear all these features are already being worked on! :)
mrlmmsguy wrote: I like having the notes to snapped in a robotic fashion when recording because it makes moving them around easier. THEN I could change the notes to 1/192 or 1/64 if I wanted to humanize them.
Yes, there are many workarounds to this, but i still thought i'd give it a shot in the forums, since it's a rather basic feature that's surprisingly not implemented yet. But as i said, apparently people are already at it.
grejppi wrote:
Fri Jul 08, 2016 5:10 pm
Quantization of existing notes is a feature of the upcoming 1.2 release.
Cool deal, looking forward to it.
Well, it looks like the quantization in the current version 1.2.2 still doesn't work properly or not at all
Fossiliuma wrote:
Thu Jan 16, 2025 5:25 pm
Well, it looks like the quantization in the current version 1.2.2 still doesn't work properly or not at all
1.3 got it.
1.3 is recommended, Nightly is not, unless it is for bughunting