ZynAddSubFX presets

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I was looking for presets and stumbled upon some online resources with bank presets. I'm not sure if all of these are in the LMMS ZynAddSubFX presets folder.

https://www.kvraudio.com/product/zynadd ... /downloads
https://linuxsynths.com/ZynaddsubfxBank ... subfx.html
Believe they are in resources in gitBook.
Thanks for sharing!
The Additional Banks from linuxsynths are not for sure in LMMS ZynAddSubFX presets folder. :D

https://linuxsynths.com/ZynaddsubfxBank ... nks.tar.gz

I was searching for "0002-Cosmic OverDrive.xiz" from "Alex_J" folder, maybe has another name in LMMS , idk.