AVG has today updated their free virus protection version of AVG :
AVG 18.8.3071
Here users will get a virus-alert of Monstro.dll RC7 win32 as virus.
It is a False-positive!
This is unfortunate, and i have asked AVG to take Monstro.dll out of the virus-definition, however -The way AVG treats suspected files, will mess up your LMMS!
A suspected file is emediately removed from the installation, and you have to manually undo this removal.
Depending on the settings in your AVG, you get a chance to undo AVG invoked system-changes.
You can do this from the Virus-vault, where you select the file Monstro.dll and mark it as false-positive. You then choose the option to restore the file.
This way, you will repair LMMS.
-iF you in AVG have chosen the absurd option to permanently-delete-theads, you need to reinstall LMMS.
Remember to backup!
AVG 18.8.3071
Here users will get a virus-alert of Monstro.dll RC7 win32 as virus.
It is a False-positive!
This is unfortunate, and i have asked AVG to take Monstro.dll out of the virus-definition, however -The way AVG treats suspected files, will mess up your LMMS!
A suspected file is emediately removed from the installation, and you have to manually undo this removal.
Depending on the settings in your AVG, you get a chance to undo AVG invoked system-changes.
You can do this from the Virus-vault, where you select the file Monstro.dll and mark it as false-positive. You then choose the option to restore the file.
This way, you will repair LMMS.
-iF you in AVG have chosen the absurd option to permanently-delete-theads, you need to reinstall LMMS.
Remember to backup!