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Help stop the repealing of Net Neutrality!

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 7:53 pm
by DJStarbreaker
Help stop the repealing of Net Neutrality by talking with your local congressman! If the Net Neutrality repeal goes through, then cable companies will be able to charge you more for faster internet speeds and possibly restrict your access to certain websites or videos, thus violating the First Amendment of Freedom Of Speech! In other words, Comcast, Time Warner and a bunch of other companies are teaming up to make the internet a more profittable place for themselves whilst directly hurting others. Imagine if one day, your access to places like your favorite youtube channels was hindered because you haven't paid the 5.00 Entertainment fine to view Youtube. How would that make you feel? It not only affects Youtube, but it affects Music Composers as well because say a website hosted a song with lyrics that were vulgar or just something that these companies just didn't like? Well, they could just throttle the connection speed to the point where the website is so slow that the song is unaccesible. It may not seem like this Net Neutrality repeal will affect music creators at first, but it will! They could also throttle websites like Soundcloud, Beatport and Spotify, if they so chose. These cable companies have been trying to do this for years and each and every time we have responded with a very loud and unanimous NO. Make sure we are heard this time by supporting Net Neutrality! Additionally, you can go here to show you're support!: . If these laws go through, it will be nearly impossible if not impossible to repeal them, so don't let them do this! Show your support today!