Thanks for sharing!

If you're looking for people to help out with your project, you may have luck hunting around for LMMS musicians on Soundcloud or hanging in the LMMS discord chat server.

The puppeteering is good in your video. Thanks for sharing your hard work!
The git message can be ignored. That tries to use github to fetch the version number (e.g. 1.2.0-rc2.27). It will append 27 for you automatically so you know you're 27 changes after rc2 release. :) In regards to the build errors, the only missing mandatory package is sndfile, probably called libsndf...
I'd rather not argue the fundamentals of software freedom. That's really not the FOSS model. That's the source code/GPL model. As a maintainer of other open source projects, I feel qualified to tell you what works. I'm sorry if that comes off as condescending. That's not my goal. My goal is to tell ...
You make the developers feel the same way when you don't even test out our branch. Don't think you're the only one jumping on these forums to "help someone". <3
If Packman can't fix it, because there is a problem with LMMS and openSUSE, I will file a bug report. If you read my posts, you'd realize there are problems. Wine version problems specifically. 1.2 hasn't been released so you're inconveniencing hard working package maintainers without taking the ti...
LightZ wrote:
Mon Feb 27, 2017 7:21 am
@ LightZ,
I strongly recommend you swing on over to GitHub, our devel mailing list and discord.

A Java background is just fine for starters. We need all the help we can get!
I'm not sure bumping a link to a rule is an effective way to enforce one.

This happens on GitHub all the time. I just edit them and get on with life. You should too. :)
Joined, thanks! Note, we also have a discord channel here:

I'm not sure if it's what you're looking for but Packt publishing makes a book specifically written for LMMS. It focuses more on production in general and not so much music composition, but it covers the basics inside LMMS including the piano roll very well.
I also agree that the fastest solution is prob compiling lmms yourself. That tutorial won't get you very far. That technique works for small packages, but LMMS has a large list of dependencies that must be resolved. This is the place to start: https://...