If you find Multiband compression a bit intimidating, I think the Zam-plugins multiband compressor (LADSPA) is easier to understand get better results faster. Every compressor sounds different though.
Unfortunately, its pretty CPU hungry.
Just got it for christmas, and I would like a way to assign pads to different drum sounds. I already changed the midi channels separating the keyboard from the pads, but since there are no actual drumkits, it just plays the same sample at a different pitch. Any help is appreciated! Thanks! In LMMS,...
Hi. So, another noob switching from Windows/Ableton. In Ableton, sidechain compression is soooo easy, which I have heard is an upshot to ableton, and with a little playing around so far, LMMS seems more like FL Studio, or Caustic, than ableton. I am sure I will get used to this, but my problem so f...
Great suggestions! Here's something useful in a limited number of situations: hard pan an instrument L, then hard pan its reverb R. Someone pointed this out on 'Son of a preacher man' with the guitar. if you want stereo output without using stereo plugins just use Eq- 10 band equalizer. it's basic b...
"Give away and be free"
This is my latest LMMS track. I'm not sure what genre to call it: Downtempo, triphop, industrial-light?
https://soundcloud.com/rob-rankin-2/giv ... nd-be-free

Feedback would be much appreciated. Enjoy!
What version of lmms are you using? Is it possible that the binaries from the opensuse repositories were compiled with the carla flags toggled off, irrespective of the version?
Not really my type of music (though I like the acid bass). I get kinda bored with the hi-hats and claps: maybe introduce some variation by using a randomizing LFO on a medium-resonsant filter cut-off, and slightly LFO the amplitude.
I think that high pitched sound is out of tune ? You both have a good ear for that detuning. I guess I always detune to taste: I like it! Hopefully that's just a genre thing and I'm not entirely off base. also you deep bass is very close to clip, so you could subtract some reso, and get rid of that...
I'm also discovering that samples are generally more difficult to mix with, and take a lot more experience with compression, filtering, noise-gate, etc., to fit with each other. Whereas most synth preset sound nice upfront.
I'm trying to make something inspired by Massive Attack and The Social Network: darkish triphop / industrial https://soundcloud.com/rob-rankin-2/faraway1nspace-niotom-ni [re-uploaded] ... I can't seem to get the sampled piano and drums to fit with the synth sounds, which I otherwise like. I'd really...